Thursday, 30 June 2011


I have finally devised a route and scheme for this expedition. It has taken 8 days of mooching and research. I will escape Washington by taking a train to a place called 'Point of Rocks' in Virginia. It should get me into the sticks and on route to the holy grail of Gettysburg. I feel at last I have found my feet. I just have to do a bit more adjusting to the bright hot weather. After Point of Rocks I go to Harpers Ferry then Antietam then Gettysburg before pushing south for reach and inviting objectives. :-))

1 comment:

  1. Dougal Wilson-Croome25 August 2011 at 19:18

    Just starting to get a little worried! I hope you're fine and too busy to post anything just now; looking forward to seeing all your pictures from this fantastic adventure. Wherever you are, I hope you're happy and enjoying life's rich tapestry.... Best wishes to you Andrew. Dougal
